A puzzle with the words swot, strength, weakness and opportunity.


The S.W.O.T. analysis is a popular technique utilized in various fields, including business, marketing, and project management, to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a particular project, organization, or product. Recently, the technique has also been increasingly used in mediation to assist disputing parties to understand the potential outcomes of their negotiations. This blog explores the significance of S.W.O.T. analysis in mediation by providing an example of a contract dispute involving two companies.

In the provided example, Company A and Company B are in a disagreement over a breach of contract. S.W.O.T. analysis can assist the parties in identifying their strengths and weaknesses and evaluating the opportunities and threats that could affect their negotiations.

The mediator can use the S.W.O.T. analysis to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each party in the negotiation process. In the instance of the contract dispute, Company A has a strong legal position supported by evidence of the breach, giving them an upper hand in the negotiation. However, their limited financial resources put them at a disadvantage. Conversely, Company B has an established reputation and a loyal customer base, giving them an advantage. However, they are at a disadvantage because of their ignorance of the legal system. The parties can develop a plan that capitalizes on their strengths and reduces the impact of their limitations by identifying these strengths and weaknesses.

Additionally, S.W.O.T. analysis can assist the parties in assessing the opportunities and threats that could have an impact on the result of the negotiations. Both businesses stand to gain from a resolution in the contract dispute that enables them to carry on doing business in a developing market. A lengthy legal dispute might harm the reputations of both businesses, costing them money and clients. The parties can develop a strategy that maximizes the benefits of the possibilities and lessens the effects of the risks by recognizing these opportunities and threats.

A secure and constructive environment for the negotiating process can be established by the mediator by identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The mediator in the contract dispute may propose a settlement arrangement that calls for Company A to receive monetary compensation and Company B to make changes to its operations to stop similar breach of contract violations in the future. This tactic capitalizes on opportunities and minimizes dangers while addressing the strengths and weaknesses of both parties.

A key method that I use as a mediator to help mediation parties in understanding the potential outcomes of their discussions is the S.W.O.T. analysis. By helping the parties to identify each other’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, I can help the parties can come up with a strategy that maximizes benefits and minimizes risks. The contract disagreement between Company A and Company B serves as an illustration of how I use this tactic to create a safe and productive environment for the parties to reach a win-win resolution.

For more information on how Legal Weaver Mediation can help you to weave a creative legal solution to your dispute, contact [email protected] or call 407.536.6889